
DELIVERed from evil"

Reality show pilot for streaming or cable network 

What is exorcism or manifestation?

“The act of driving out, or warding off, demons, or evil spirits, from persons, which are believed to be possessed or infested by them, or are liable to become victims or instruments of their malice."

Many people think they have demons inside them, AND they are right. 

We all have demons inside; and they are hiding from us.

Few people take the extreme steps to get the demons out.  This is called a exorcism or “manifestation” and it really happens.

On “Deliver Me From Evil” Minister Eleanor and her team will take the demons out of their clients.  That is what they do. 

To watch this manifestation, it is VERY graphic and alarming.  These people go through physical manifestations; their voices change, some vomit, and you never know what comes out of them.  But Eleanor knows, they are demons!

This is a true intervention.  Minister Eleanor has been getting demons out of people for over 10 years.  She has hundreds of success stories.  She has turned addicts into non-addicts, made alcoholics never drink again, pulled apart duel personalities, cured eating disorders, sexual perversions, and more.

Her treatment starts with learning about the person’s personal torture and their background.  She then calls on the demons and talks to the demons directly.  These demons know of her and are scared to face her.  All this is done from a practice rooted in Christianity and established by Biblical references.

And Eleanor is not the only one.  Her Ministry includes Steve and Kim who are trained and working to become stronger at this practice.  Together the three of them have removed hundred of demons from their clients.

Each episode will start with the frightening ritual of Eleanor and the team exercising out the demons on one person.  Then the show will go into the back story of this person.  There will be interviews and stories about this person, there terrible problems and what has lead them to the extreme of getting the demons drawn out.  The show will end with the riveting completion of the demon ritual, and the aftermath.  The last scene is a wrap up, shot months later, to see if the demons are still gone.

Each episode can 2 clients in a half hour if preferred.

This show is real people, going to unimaginable lengths to get their demons out – and it works.  For the audience, it is great story telling wrapped around eye popping visuals of people physically contorting in front of the cameras, and coming out the other side.  



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